Connect at GCMB

Connect at GCMB

We're glad

you're here!

Whether this is your first time checking out Grace Church Monterey Bay or you've been attending for a few weeks, we're so glad to have you with us. 


Below, you'll find everything you need to know about how to connect at GCMB, but a website can only do so much! We hope you'll join us this coming Sunday at 10:30am for our Sunday Morning Worship Service.

What to Expect at GCMB...

Biblically-sound worship

You'll experience worship through Christ-centered, doctrinely-sound music from both the past and present that prepares us for careful, exegetical preaching from the Bible.

Friendly Community

You’ll interact with gracious Christians who love one another and look forward to the opportunity to meet and get to know you.


You’ll see people of all ages, nations, cultures, and backgrounds, because  the Gospel of Jesus Christ attracts us all.

Relaxed Atmosphere

You’ll notice some folks who like to dress up for church and others who don’t. Feel free to wear what’s comfortable for you, and you’ll fit right in.

Sunday Worship

Sundays | 10:30am | Worship Center

GCMB faithfully comes together for worship every Sunday morning at 10:30am in our Worship Center. We worship through Christ-exalting singing, prayer, fellowship, giving, and bold expositional preaching.


Our greeters will meet you at the door, hand you a bulletin, and answer any questions you may have.

Children of Grace

Sundays | Check-in starts 10:15am | Classrooms

Serving children from 0-11, our Children of Grace Ministry teaches Christ-centered Bible lessons each week in our CoG classrooms, located to the left of the Worship Center. Our friendly Check-in Coordinators will help get your child checked in to the right class then answer any questions you might have.


Check-ins start at 10:15am.


  • Our Nursery (0-2s) is open from 10:15am until the end of service
  • Pre-check your 3-5 year old(s) before service, then bring them into the Worship Center to join us for singing and the reading of God's Word. They'll be dismissed to their classroom after the Pastoral Prayer.

Mid-Week Gatherings

Seasonal | Check our Church Calendar for info

We believe worship and fellowship extend beyond Sunday mornings! We host a variety of seasonal studies and groups for all ages.


• Men's Bible Study | Mondays | 8:30am | Crepes of Brittany

• Men's BBQs | Last Tuesday of the Month | 6:30pm | Kitchen

• Women of Grace Bible Study | Seasonal

• Women's Fellowship | Second Saturday of the Month | 6:30pm | Modular

• High School Group | Fridays | 6:30pm | Modular

Have Questions?

We'd love to help you get connected here at GCMB!

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